Whats New in this August Update:-

Whats new in this moths Update . . .
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Whats New in this August Update:-

Post by basit »

1) When using Windows XP - Compubyte used 100% of the CPU so it slowed down other applications - Now CPU usage is less than 10%

2) If POS system is used with fast options - scanning without asking for units and selling - you can now force certain items to stop at units and selling if that item has two colons in the description Example: Shoe ::

3) Better screen visual for input now in Invoicing and Goods Receiving.

4) If you using selling 1 2 or 3 - and by inserting * (star) second price and [ (sqaure bracket for 3rd price) when at selling prompt - you can set and access code for all 3 selling prices by inserting the access codes in parameter 27 Example : [1:7862 [2:7862 [3:7863

5) Debtors transaction viewing from POS system using W - Audit trail now has better handling for reports that only display that terminals info.

6) New - Will display last CHANGE given to customer and Document details evertime a sale is done ----> this is useful when the I.bat is used and also ensures that correct change is given - speeds up printing also. Anytime you press the F1 key in POS you can see the last document printed on that terminal :-)

Very important if you see a screen that shows
**** Last Document Re-Displayed - Press <Enter> to Continue ****
this screen is just a dummy screen to re-display the change - by pressing ENTER key it will clear the display...
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