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Update Info:-

Post by basit »

March 2005

Audit security also introduced for Goods-Receiving - If any document is not completed due to any failure the program will warn you. File for complete document is stored in \programs as a file called doc-g.(terminal number) - for Invoicing its doc.(terminal number)

Audit security further improved, now at Invoicing if any document fails to print or any system error occurs, if the terminals is used before the next document is generated you will be notified of the incomplete document. (see above)

A complete change of managing selling prices has been done in the Invoicing package. The various options of changing and using price structures have been modified. You can now link a selling price directly to a customer by using :-
A) Inserting a [2 or [3 next to the customer name , this will auto use selling price 2 or 3
B) Insert <1 <2 <3 next to a customer name and in the special parameters field of any stock code inserting <1=price <2=price <3=price <4=price .
C) Using parameter 29 which will allow a 2nd price to be used based on which document is used.
D) For setting Promotion Pricing - In Special parameters of any code you insert [P1(price) [PS(YYMMDD) [PE(YYMMDD) example if you want to set the selling price for an item to 10.99 to start on the 21st March 2005 and end at 29 March 2005 you will insert the following in special parameters in the stock code [P110.99 [PS050321 [PE050309
E) Parameter 197 can be set to 1 (only if the stock parameters are pre-set on install) to display what you sold item at last to a particular client.
F) insert next to a stock description **(code) to use the coded price as a price Example: if you insert next to a description **AJIE the selling will default to 10.95 if your cost coding is JABCDEFGHI.
G) Inserting in Discount matrixes the discounts for various stock groups linked to customers.
H) Inserting next to customer name <BRA?? - Example if you inserted <BRA10 the selling price will be cost plus 10%.

Job Cards now also has the same quick view option as Lay-byes i.e. in report generator you can quickly view how old (in days) is the Job Card.

Lay-bye report further improved with balance info on database and Balance overdue in Report generator

Parameter 14 introduced for quick changes of prices by inserting coded digits in stock description after **

Audit of all terminals now at view transactions. (Usage of f1 key and system aborts)

Many clients are using HP laser printers to print cash slips with (A4 paper cut evenly into four sheets inserted in lower tray as a bundle), same printer is used to print labels and reports - If you have a logo with your company details on it you can now save this logo as logo-s.jpg in the \programs directory and the logo will be printed on the cash slip -
If you using a logo with your company details ensure that you insert a (at) in parameter 4

Extra parameter for day end reports added to automate the process without displaying anything on screen or printer (ONLY Audit and posting prompts)- Insert G in parameter 74

Many times when working with creditors, the invoice dates are not entered in date order , a new <S> function when viewing a Creditors accounts in the Creditors module allows you to sort all documents according to dates for one or all accounts.

A new quick look at all lay-byes overdue by number of days has been introduced in the Report Generator module. If you choose deposit report you can view lay-byes according to number of days not collected. Please note: If you have old lay-byes on file you will have to do a new storage so that this report can work. Choose create a report and at the command prompt enter DOC:DEP and then press <Enter> then choose the dates from which the new storage must begin and end (choose a year back to start report from ) , and don't forget to insert a one "1" at new storage. You will also note after this that each deposit account will have details of when the deposit was made (date).

February 2005

An bug in Debtors transactions when viewing from a date has been fixed and also checking document sequences for Lay-Byes has been altered.

Now (Thanks to NooShoes) you can from point of sale menu press F1 key and then "V" to go VIEW any Stock Item - return to point of sale again by pressing f1 from VIEW STOCK module - Great for using in stores that have a terminal to just view stock status / pricing etc - New program name is called View-S.exe

Stock take/updates now displays three files rep-dis.txt (now only shows discrepancy) rep-tak.txt (now shows all stock taken) not-tak.txt (shows stock not taken) - Also minus quantities handled better.

Debtors/Creditors module on entering receipts if account is fully paid all Invoices will be auto marked as being paid.

Receipts (Debtors) fixed error on posting to terminal file on printing (shows on transaction list but not on till status)

Backup now further improved - Backup.exe in \programs can be set on your desktop and linked to windows schedular.

January 2005

If you have been using the round off parameter at the end of each document (paramater 93) , you must install this new update. We discovered with the help of Yusuf (Impex) that if a document is ended and the operator decides to use the left arrow after a round off has been done the next edited item or inserted items does not charge VAT. The new update fixes this.
December 2004

Goods Receiving and Ordering Module now has a new function that allows for the creation of an export file (like the branches export file in Debtors) through the Enter an Order Menu - This is useful if you have not entered your orders through the system and if you received a pro-forma invoice with delivery happening later, you can temporarily create the export file and use it only when the goods arrive to quickly update stock values.

Stock program now has option to export to Excel (Insert 1 at custom) - If sizing is chosen in the custom report it will auto create sizing grid for Excel - excel storage can also be stored as a report ----- Future update will include a fully integrated Excel format grid (www.compubyte.co.za/dev2.htm)

November 2004

The Email interface has been further improved and the print out of the email has a better layout - check out your statements and see the difference.

Now Creditors Transactions (VAT) can also be exported to Excel the same way the Debtors Cash & Account transactions are done. This is useful if you want better formatted reports.

Now PAID OUT slips in POS match stationery chosen, custom or otherwise - also better draw handling with pouts.

Security is important in any point of sale environment, we have now set up an audit trail for each document in the POS module , so if a user (cashier) re-boots the system in the middle of processing a document or if the f1 key is pressed you will be notified when a audit is done at day end.

Receipts module further modified to allow batch posting from any Microsoft Excel file, this is helpful when you download an Excel file from your bank of all deposits made directly into your account, all you do is save this file in the \programs directory.
FNB has an excellent facility when searching for transactions using the ebucks portal.
Another usage for this is if you have inserted all cheques deposits into an Excel spreadsheet and need to receipt same. Always make sure you have four columns
1) Date in the format month/day/year Eg 1st November 2004 inserted as 11/1/2004
2) Amount
3) Balance
4) Ref/Description
Save file as a MSDOS CSV file. (i.e having the extension csv)

October 2004

Receipts prints outs match stationery and printer port chosen (including emails)

Term.exe in \programs is the new file to use on terminals (instead of bat file) - better security

Now you can invoice to Branches at Selling price using parameter 137

It is often that many clients call and enquire how they can move a stock item/s from one group into another without losing the history of the item. We have now written a new module to the stock program (under edit update) which allows you to move stock codes from one group into another. Use with caution when you have branches , should be done only at head office and the changes effected to the branches will occur only when new stock is sent to them, you may have to also move codes at the branches.

Checking file errors on day end made faster (mr.exe and backup.exe) - Backup made now in directories \back-m\p? (Xcopy) and \backup\p? (Arj) - Please note the question mark is the period when the backup is made ( 1 to 5 ) - No more month and year added to P (See also August Updates 1) under lable)

Please check your old parameter file for cash draws - because of so many different models in the market we decided to only keep one parameter which will set the type of draw you using - Parameter 14 now uses simple set up routine to choose the a cash draw. ( You can insert what draw you have in the new updates after checking what was your old settings)

September 2004

A new parameter introduced which allows for companies that have branches connected via adsl/dataline or wireless connections to view stocks across the network much faster - Parameter :-
Entry number : 180

║ If your have a wireless or data-line network connecting branches live
║ and the OTHER BRANCHES (viewing stock in invoicing (*)) is on a
║ different Drive what is the Branch and drive letter ( Eg: .1 =F: .2
║ =H: .3 =I: ) You must list all branches (WITH SPACES as in EG) and the
║ drives they mapped to - make sure the branches drives are mapped
║ accordingly
This parameter allows you to set on which drive the other branches information is on. It will auto switch to the required branches drive (provided you have mapped all drives).

You could be running twenty or more terminals on your network and what if one or more terminals cannot connect to the server , do you shut them down ?

With the newest update you don't have to be connected to the server to do Cash Sales. All you do is run the backup.exe file which you must have copied the local hard drive of the terminal (C Drive) in the root directory (C:\) . Simple ! ! ! -

What do you have to do so that you can have such a facility :- (load this update)

a) You make sure you have backup on your desktop - which points to the server F:\programs\backup.exe (create a short cut - where F is your server drive).

b) Do regular backups from the server to you local drive by clicking on this backup icon -
or simplify this by using the Microsoft task scheduler. (no clicking does it auto)

Now if you server is down or you can't access it all you do is run the backup.exe from the root directory of your terminal - choose "X" to make the terminal run on a local drive W: -

Once your server is Up you run the same backup again and choose "Y"

Simple as X and Y . . .

August 2004

VIDEO FILE - Visual Tutorial for using the new labeler

All new customizable labeler for Windows - Integrated with CompuByte labeling system - you can customize your own labels (only US$169 or SA Rands R999) - The New Updates have a trial version of this software - ~ ~ Start designing your labels now ~ ~

Template info:- (program is label.exe)
Normal Labels - (Now with seperate size field) label.blf data from \u2\nlab.* > to labels.csv - Macro is labels.macro
Display Labels - labeld.blf data from \u2\nlab.* > to labelsd.csv - Macro is labelsd.macro

Database Labels - lable-d.blf data created Lab-data.csv

Backup.exe and mr.exe (Day end routine) now does Data integrity checks on all major files. - Backup further improved now each backup is in the directory according to the period P1 to P5 (P1 being 1st week P5 being last week in the month) Eg : 15 Aug 04 backup will be in directory \backup\P2 (for arj backup) and \back-m\p2 (for Xcopy Backup) on local drive.

New enhancement on Backup.exe module - Now checks integrity of Stock files before backing up and allows you to view corruption before amending the stock file - Sorts out corrupted stock files after power failures or critical shutdowns.

Stk-take.exe (Stock taking module modified) - Will now accept input from all makes of scanners and you can also insert multiple items for one stock code : Example :- 120 Yellow socks, all you need to enter at scan prompt is 120*plucode. Also to this module a new report is created (\programs\not-stk.txt) which will show you how many items were not scanned during stock take and still appears as stock quantities in your stock file. You can now also choose to take stock of specific groups only and a comparison will be made.

July 2004

Stock takes using scanners (updated stk-take.exe) now also as a menu item in stock package. As long as your wireless scanner or even any file is used to create a text file in \programs directory called sdata, this programme will utilize the sdata and create the required discrepancy report and updates. Sdata is a normal text file with the barcode (plu) and size in each line or if you using two lines one for barcode (plu) and the other for quantity.

June 2004

Thanks to Ridfaz supermarket (Ridwaan) we have improved our case lot and loose items function (see Nov 2002 below). So if you selling loose stock items that you broke from a case lot, the stock history will now show a GRN with a minus document number which is the number of the cash slip/invoice which drew the stock from another code (case lot) and also reflect this GRN in the receiving code (loose item) as a plus item. - Note the minus document number should indicate to you in the history that a stock adjustment/transfer occurred on an item. Case lots and loose items explained in updates November 2002

New parameter for rounding of to nearest decimal (1/2/3) - Parameter 93 - Thanks to Yusuf at Impex we now have round off for Botswana Thebe and credit notes also rounding off correctly.

New module to automate branch transfers - three new programs :-

New parameters introduced for transfer files. Parameter 128 must be set - This will create another menu item in Point of Sale with the following options:-
Point of Sale Package -> Other Choices File Transfers Send/Receive
│ Prepare/Use Transfer - Day End/Start │
│ Do Goods Receiving │
During each business day you will use the prepare/use transfer option. choosing Enter at end of each day and 1 at the beginning. This will create \data? (Question mark is replaced with numeric branch code Eg \data2 for branch 2) directory which will be collected from the head office each night and then collated using all the branches info gathered, this data will be returned to the branch in a directory called \rec. The receive and transfer of files must be scheduled with windows scheduler and Pcanywhere file transfer utilities.

The files in the Pcanywhere auto-transfer utility at the Head Office should do the following :-
1) Receive all files in the \data? directory at the branch in an equivalent directory \data? at head office.
2) Once all files are received at head office the do-use.exe file should be run(activated)
3) The above program will create files in directories \send? at the head office (? is the numeric branch code of the branch Eg \send2 for branch 2)
4) The data in \send? directories must be sent to each branch into a directory called \rec

A new coding in the branch accounts (Debtors) must be added, this coding will indicate what branch number the debtor is. All branch debtors have <BRA next to their names, they should now include the branch number using the format [B:? (Where question mark is the numeric branch number - ensure that you begin with a square bracket). You must also ensure that the branches use account numbers (Debtors) from 3 to 9 and para 41 and 114 set to 1.

The other parameters set as :-

Entry number : 124
║ [BRA] Enter the Branch Numbers where stock is to be sent to from Head ║ Office using do-use.exe Eg: 2/3/4/5 ║
This parameter when enabled will create a stock file for each branch in a directory at the head office called \data2 \data3 \data4 etc as per settings in para 124. Once do-use.exe is used at the head office the files in this directory will create files called \send2 \send3 etc. Using PC-Anywhere you could transfer the files into the branch directory called \rec.
Windows scheduler must be used in conjunction with pcanywhere transfer files to automate this process..

If para 128 (below) is set you could also receive full data from branches (Dr's/Cr's/Etc)

Entry number : 128
║ [BRA] Enter 4 digit Access Code used (If any) to fully automate file
║ transfers (Imports an Exports) for batch files over modems and insert
║ this process in POS - Use a 1 as the first letter of your Access Code
║ to use Newest inter branch transfer routine - if last digit (4th digit)
║ is a 4 system will backup/restore all data from branches

New Parameter Added:- (If your head office is not company 1 and if you using two companies (branches) from the same server - Thanks to Nooo Shoes (Mathew)

Entry number : 125
║ [BRA] If your numeric number for the head office is not 1 then insert
║ /H?? where ?? is the numeric number of your branch (Eg. Head office is
║ 11 insert /H11) - If you have a branch running of the same server and
║ network you must insert /I? also into the data field where ?? is the
║ numeric branch number that is on the same network (Eg. Branch 3 insert
║ /I3) ║

New Lables for Shelf Talkers introduced from Goods-Receiving - all you need to do is insert a S at Lables Format or a space and a S next to your current Lables format - Thanks to Shaheed at Daxina Supermarket.

If parameter 13 is set to 1 (unique PLU codes) - you will now not be able to duplicate any code in Goods Receiving and ordering program when you press the f6 key.
May 2004

Thanks to Adil (Molopole - Taj Spares) we now calculate job cards conversions to invoices or cash slips in report generator

Thanks to Sava(All Spares - Halfway House - JHb) we now use slips.exe more effectively for credit notes. - For those of you who don't use slips.exe this is a program that allows you a single point where all cash slips are printed and collected - At this point all cash slips are viewed and monitored , so you could have multiple terminals generating cash slips and customers would go to one terminals to collect cash slip and make payment.

Thanks to JEEP outlets (Rob) we now have scrollable option to view sizing as well as an extra prompt which allows you to insert two rows below the sizing grid on the print out for stock count and variance check. .

We have sorted a bug in the deposits module (Invoicing), if a deposit was made on one terminal and then collected later on another terminal, the storage of the original document corrupts the storage data file. Now deposits can be cancelled (reversed) must easier all you do is retrieve the deposit, call up the same stock code and insert a minus quantity equivalent to what was initially deposited then end the document, at value of deposit paying insert a minis value equivalent to the money paid by the customer. (document would thus be nil). - In this way stock is also reversed and all vat adjusted accordingly.
New feature JOB cards and Deposits cannot be edited once done, many customers complained that operators would delete items on a job card or deposit before conversion is made into a cash slip or invoice. Any description that has a ^ before it cannot be deleted or edited. If you need to reverse the entry you have to call up the same code and insert a minus quantity equivalent to the original entry.

April 2004

Thanks to Hassen Areff (Akson Electronics) we now have a extra labels template for 5 rows ten down labels - also introduced an extra line at the bottom of all labels that has creditors account number, document number, date and cost code. labels template can be emailed to you on request.

View changes made to program parameters - also quick view of current settings.

Now you can do re-prints for debtors receipts - in receipts module at enter payment press f1 key and enter number to re-print - receipts now also captured in report generator (Command:DOC:REC)

Now a totally new cash up assistant for your day end routines. You can create your own coinage options by editing \programs\cashup.txt . This routine allows you to cash up with accuracy all you have to do is insert what float you have in your till and all the various denominations of coins and notes. If your have cheques and credit card vouches all you do is insert how many you have and at insertion of value you insert each cheque value with a plus Eg 1000+2520+3280.20 - This all new cash up routine is intelligent enough to reconcile your cash on the fly . . You will not see such a cash up routine EVER !!!

To Excel export now group name and catalogue added (Thanks to Jeep outlets and Bobs)

Bug on Exempt document fixed (Thanks to Moosa's)

Thanks to Yusuf at Impex(Botswana) we were able to trace a windows typematic error when using second selling prices [2 or [3 etc linked to accounts. This only occurred when someone processes an entry at .10th of a second, we have now bypassed keyboard buffers to ensure that no matter how fast you may type each key will be processed.

Now CompuByte supports all windows environments including ME (Millinium) see parameter 163.

Thanks to Yunus Kajee (Micromedia - Middleburg) - Now the Excel dump in the report generator has document totals and two files xl.csv and xl-d.csv (All documents only) - see 1 below

Mar 2004

1) You can now dump all transaction from report generator into Microsoft Excel - all transaction listed in columns - Open Excel and choose Data button, then choose import external data , then import data - for file name insert \programs\xl.csv then tic delimited then click next then tic tab and comma - then click next and then click finish - your data will now be visible in the worksheet- click finish . .
You can also just open the file from Excel (ALT F) and insert the directory and file names (Eg \programs\xl.csv) - Use auto format to format the file . .

2) Thanks to Abies (Rustenburg) you can now print a stock sheet with only stock that is zero or minus. (1 in Stock 2 No Stk)

3) If you not using jpegs (pics) in stock file you wont get the extra \jpegs printed on printer.

4) You can now store all reports created in Report Generator for quick retrieval.

Feb 2004

1) Now you can insert image files of your stock items - just insert a > and the name of the image file next to the description of the stock file - When you do press f3 in stock while viewing a stock item or in Invoicing or Goods Receiving/Ordering you will get a graph of the stock status and than a picture of the stock to view. (Pressing Esc takes you back to what you were last doing). All you have to do is insert the pictures in a directory called \jpegs

This powerful feature now allows you to scan full catalogues product specifications etc to the \jpegs directory and view as needed . .You can also use wild card characters so that you can link multiple pictures to one stock item - Eg. Filter z84 >z8* will show all pictures that are labeled with z8. When you press the f3 function key it will display the 1st picture by pressing enter you will see the next picture, you can also just press Y to create a presentation of pictures.

Extra functions - Press the + or - keys to enlarge reduce picture- Press < or > keys to increase speed of display.

2) Print stock sheets with the stock item and its picture

3) Design your own screen savers with your SALE items or specials . .

4) New storage of documents format - if you update with new version you will be asked to convert document storage to larger new format - will allow now 40 million transactions on a terminal per month.

5) Goods receiving - You can now press the ` (tidle key) and view last purchases and orders made for that item with the suppliers name .

6) If you don't have salespersons and only operators you can set para 183 so that you can get totals of up to 18 operators .. . .

7) You can now create a file for each document which the point of sale system will use in the document before it starts to process - This file has information that will prompt you to insert required information. |Eg:- If you do job cards and each time you want to insert the name of the item serial number model etc you can just create a text file called D11. (Important when you save the file make sure you have no .txt extension - insert a point/ check with explorer to ensure that the file has no extension) using notepad in line one of the file you can insert : Model line two you can insert Serial no: etc etc . . and line that starts with a greater than sign (>) will be a comment on the document- In this way you can also create a file for laybyes(deposit) D16 with just one line in it starting with a greater than sign (>) stating the following:- >LayByes not collected in three months will be sold.. Each document can have its own file .
Files that can be created are :-
D1. - Invoicing
D2. - Credit Notes
D3. - Cash
D11. - Job Cards
D12. - Picking Slips
D13. - Quotes
D14. - Sales Orders
D16. - Deposits

8) Email auto stored now to \mail directory and new program called con-htm.exe converts the mail to html for fancy output
you can now also have your own logo in the mail . . use any of your company logo jpg files and rename it to logo.jpg and then copy it into the \programs directory. email configuration is done by edited the m.cfg file in the \programs directory with notepad or qb.

Jan 2004

1) You can now use HP1300 laser printer as a cash slip printer using an A4 sheet of white paper cut into 4 sheets - parameter no:4

2) Thanks to Faried at ShoeWorld (Lenasia) the f5 key to insert quatity in fast mode and USB printing f5 key has been sorted out in invoicing.

3) New Backup.exe - Better security and with restore if you using the arj section - only para 164 has to be set to automate (para 163 taken off)

4) Email now from Number of Copies and linked to Office Outlook (not Express) - Stores emails in inbox after statement routine is run - All you do is move the files to your outbox and send the emails - In invoicing the emails sent immediate to outlook outbox . . email stored in directory \mail - If you still want to use pegasus mail for invoicing copy i-sta.pma to i-sta.bas and use sta.exe
NB: If you using outlook make sure that you set your default font to courier 10 - choose tools then options then mail format then Fonts . . .

5) Day End routines automated further see parameter number 74 - You can now insert numbers (1 to 6) to auto do certain tasks and X for backup automated . .

2003 Updates

Dec 2003

1) Incorporated design own cash slip print out formats (lines lab60200 in i-sta.bas)

2) Remittance advice can be printed immediately after payment is made (Creditors)

3) Fax integration with XP when statements are printed out or any winfax package that has print to fax options.

4) use Macro.exe to create macros which will automate tasks by recording what keys you have pressed and you can re-play these macros with other assigned keys.
5)Now updates and software files have a windows interface and setup routines. (with full uninstall capabilities)

6)Single point of entry into the CompuByte programs from \programs\start-c.bat which has just one command term.exe - Easier setup for terminals no need to run from term directory any terminal and terminals have now assigned numbers stored in the registry of the ram drive.

November 2003

1) All modules now compiled in PB3.5 (42% faster run time) - Must use full upgrade if you using old PB3.2 files.

2) You can now design your own stationery for Invoicing and Debtors Statements -

You will have to download this files:-

These files below must only be downloaded if you don't have them already:-



You can use any editor to work in the two .BAS files. Once you completed you would run sta.exe which will create the new modules for you . Don't forget to SET parameters 1/2 and 141 to 1 in parameters.

3) F5 KEY now to be used to preview all print outs - also integration with USB printers now seamless - Parameter 140 - Please note once activated all printing will be routed to a file called spool in \ram directory - have to press f5 key to preview or print

October 2003

1) In Stock Package you can now view a graph on stock movement for any product (Plu) item

2) You can now analyze in Report Generator (detail) up to 10000 ranges. (no more error 7)

3) Registering of Package now with F10 key and SMS

4) Index now user definable - useful when you have very large stock ranges.

5) Windows XP and 2000 increase speed of print click here

6) Load invoice to fix the back arrow bug that allows you to change a selling price when you have no selling price parameter set to unchangeable.

September 2003

1)Better reconciliation for creditors - You can now mark which invoices you paying as well as insert notes .

2)Document number from 6 digits increased to 14 in creditors.

3)Now you can monitor all usages of minus quantities/values and discount allowed in Point of Sale - Special two fields introduced.

4)If you now insert [M10 next to your group description it will auto use 10% mark up when you receiving goods. (10 can be replaced with any mark up value)

5)If goods receiving you can use right arrow after quantity received to auto calculate cost per unit from a sub total inserted.

6)Menu.exe file now has built in virus protection + [F10] key forces a registration for new package installations

August 2003

1)Avi tutorial files on newest CompuByte CD's - that means you have a live tutorial on your PC showing you exactly how the program functions with full screen displays.

2)Ordering system in Good Receiving for sizing has been modified to keep sizing in back order.

July 2003

1) Instead of going to every terminal and setting parameters you can now set all terminal info from any one terminals - the terminal changed will have to be re-started.

2) Sizing matrix introduced so you create a matrix have a number for it and every time you use it it will create the required matrix (Start size end size and even quantities)

3) Backups can be automated using the backup.exe and setting parameter 164 with the drive letter you want the system to backup to - backup.exe in \programs directory can also be set in windows scheduler to automatically do a backup.

June 2003

1) Re-Order levels and order dumping introduced in stock package

2) Backups can be restored and automated to work at a specific time etc . .

May 2003

1) Introduced account balances on Invoices.

2) You can now email statements (using Pegasus) and also fax statements directly.

3) You can export your customer details (debtors) to address book OUTLOOK

April 2003

If you want to increase the cost of an item by the expenses you made on the item (like motor car dealers) you now at goods receiving can call up the car (its code) and then every expense you incur like repairs/parts etc you call up afterwards - you must make sure that all expense items begin there description with a < (the less then sign)

Feb 2003

You can now have next to a debtors or database customer [2 or [3 to auto use 2nd or 3rd price

Jan 2003

1) Introduced in bills of materials asterix * eg: 3=4* (will not multiply 4 by the quantity sold)

2) Not recommended, but if customers still want to use the old method of deposits (lay byes) introduced parameter 170

3) If parameter 151 has no ###.# inside you can not insert decimal quantities like .5 .3 etc when invoicing

2002 Updates

November 2002

New interface for Deposit's in Invoicing module - Now uses old paid up deposit clients.

linked code for case lots etc:-
Eg : Code 1-1 has this in description: Case of 12 Cokes cans = 12
Code 1-2 has this in description: Case of 6 Coke cans = 6
Parameters field has: [>1-1
Please make sure you have the square bracket i.e [

Code 1-3 has this description: Single Coke Can =1
Parameters field has: [>1-2

When there is no single cans, the program will take 6 cans from code 1-2, when 6 cans are out of stock the program will take 12 units out of code 1-1 and divide that by 6 to replenish stock.
December 2002
Introduced Currencies in Goods receiving :- You can insert multiple currencies to auto update your cost in the currency of your country.
Eg of use :> $C1=*6.5] RC2=/1.76]
1=Dollar rate 2 is Rand rate
when you choose a rate it will use the formulae to change the cost accordingly
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