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Updates for July 2005 - Whats New
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Whats New

Post by basit »

1) You can now also have a logo on A4 Stationery and Cash Slips > send us your logo and address information on it and we will sent you a i-sta.bas file that will utilise this logo - The cost of design and layout is R250 (South African Rand).

2) AI Ordering in Stock Program now allows sorting by Descrition.

3) To use items from another document you previously processed, you can press the F1 key (then R for re-print) in Invoicing and than insert that document number with a star (*) next to the document number. The program quickly retreives the document and if your choose any other document you can use the items that were retrieved and create a new document. This worked well in the older versions but when you did not end the document or moved arrow back at number of copies it removed twice the stock value. This update won't allow double stock to be removed.

4) You can now also place items from your main POS screen in (page two) Other Choices onto (page one) - and each menu item can now be accessed with a number directly (quicker) - Setting parameters 47/48/49 and 64 you can customise your screen to your liking - see the picture below - This Menu was set up by setting the parameters as follows:-

para 47:1/4/5/1/6/7/1/8/1/9
para 48:1
para 49:7

para 64:JOB CARDS

By using para 48/49/64 you get direct access without prompting if you choose the number. :)

ALSO IMPORTANT : Now you only have to press the Esc key to logout an operator

If you using the restaurant takeaway module please do not upload the newest update as we have discontinued further updates using this site. A seperate module invoice.res is available on request.

5) Now when you using + at the PLU code to type in a non-stock item in Invoicing you can now insert a ++ (two times a plus) if you just want to insert a message without the quantity and selling prompting. The program will remove the plus when it displays the message. A double plus is usueful if you want to insert remarks on your document.

6) Now you can delete an item on a stored quote/job etc if that item has a ^ (kappie next to it). Will still not delete any item that has a kappie and has a quantity inserted.

7) Introduced BOOKINGS for Job Cards - Used for companies that does repairs on cars etc . . Insert in parameter 64 the word BOOKING and you will get an extra prompt that will allow you to insert a booking and also view all your bookings made. This parameter (64) also if used will allow editing of Job cards with items that have a ^ (kappie) in description. See also item 4) above which will allow you customise your menu.
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Re: Whats New

Post by basit »

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